Cozii Proptech

Lo-fidelity image of Cozii wireframes
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Cozii PropTech

Executive Summary

The Cozii Proptech project aimed to rejuvenate the company's online presence, aligning the website's design and functionality with the innovative nature of their property management platform. As a junior UX designer, my role was to create a user-friendly website that improves customer engagement, increases user retention, and positions Cozii as a leader in the PropTech industry.

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Case Study: Cozii Proptech Website Redesign


As a junior UX Designer, my journey with Cozii Proptech presented an opportunity to not only stretch my design capabilities but also to make a tangible impact on a growing startup's digital presence. The task was to revitalize Cozii's website to reflect the innovation of their property management platform and attract a broader user base.

Understanding the Challenge

Cozii's existing website was functional but lacked the modern edge and comprehensive user journey that customers have come to expect. Competing in the PropTech space meant the need for a design that was not just visually appealing but also intuitive and informative.

Research and Discovery

I kicked off the project with a deep dive into the PropTech industry, studying competitors and identifying trends. My approach combined stakeholder interviews, user surveys and most importantly landlord interviews, aiming to align business objectives with user needs. The key insights led to the creation of 2 separate archetypes that we could classify our users under

Archetype 1: The Tech-Savvy Investor

This archetype represents landlords who are highly tech-savvy and embrace digital tools to streamline their property management operations. They are constantly looking for innovative PropTech solutions to improve efficiency and automate tasks.

Main Challenges:

  • Managing multiple properties efficiently
  • Dealing with high tenant turnover
  • Keeping up with the fast-paced urban rental market

How the PropTech Website can address these challenges:

  • Showcase the advanced features of the property management application, such as automated tenant screening, online rent collection, and maintenance request tracking
  • Highlight the ability to manage multiple properties from a single dashboard, saving time and effort
  • Provide real-time market data and insights to help landlords make informed decisions

Archetype 2: The Hands-On Landlord

This archetype represents landlords who prefer a more hands-on approach to property management. They are actively involved in every aspect of their properties, from finding tenants to handling maintenance issues.

Main Challenges:

  • Managing property costs and expenses
  • Dealing with tenant issues and conflicts
  • Maintaining good relationships with tenants

How the PropTech Website can address these challenges:

  • Highlight cost-saving features of the property management application, such as expense tracking and budgeting tools
  • Showcase the ability to easily communicate with tenants through the platform, reducing conflicts and improving tenant relations
  • Provide resources and guides on how to effectively manage properties and handle tenant issues


With a robust understanding of the landscape, I began creating the sitemap. I charted out multiple concepts, each focused on streamlining the content flow and simplifying the user journey. My aim was to create a scaffold that supported Cozii's content strategy and business goals while prioritizing user engagement.

Design Iteration

Transitioning from paper to pixels, I used Figma to convert my low-fidelity wireframes into high-fidelity prototypes. This phase was iterative and collaborative. I engaged with the development team and stakeholders regularly, incorporating their feedback to refine the design. Each iteration brought clarity, enhancing usability and ensuring that the brand's voice remained strong and clear. This phase was iterative and collaborative. I engaged with the development team and stakeholders regularly, incorporating their feedback to refine the design. Each iteration brought clarity, enhancing usability and ensuring that the brand's voice remained strong and clear.

Final Design

The final design delivered:

  • A clean, modern aesthetic that echoed Cozii's innovative approach.
  • A user-centric navigation system that reduced clicks to conversion.
  • Content structured to guide users naturally towards engagement and retention.

Prototype: Best viewed in fullscreen on laptop


This project was a significant step in my design career. It taught me the value of marrying data with design and the power of iterative development. I learned that good design is not just about how it looks but how it works and satisfies the needs of both the business and its users.


The Cozii Proptech case study is a testament to my growth as a UX designer. It showcases my ability to navigate complex design challenges and deliver solutions that drive business value and improve user experiences. I am eager to bring this same dedication and insight to new opportunities in the UX field.

Final Design Solutions

The culmination of the Flow AR Glasses project is a suite of finely tuned features, each crafted to address specific needs identified through meticulous research and user testing. The final design is a testament to the project's core objective: to enhance the retail shopping experience through augmented reality. Here’s a snapshot of the key features brought to life:

Personalized Shopping Experience

The AR Glasses enhance the browsing experience by alerting shoppers to items that match their preferences and past search behaviors, simulating the feel of a curated personal shopping session. Also matching business needs by showing available promotions for desired customers.

Interactive Product Details

Addressing the need for accessible information, this feature allows shoppers to view details like size, color, and price by simply looking at a product. It eliminates the wait for store assistance and enriches the decision-making process.

Personalized Shopping Experience

Wishlist Spotlight

When users wishlist items online, these are highlighted by the AR Glasses in-store, making it effortless to locate desired products. This feature bridges the gap between online browsing and in-store purchasing, bringing a new level of convenience to the shopping experience.

Personalized Shopping Experience

In our fast-paced world, impulse buys are all too common. The Flow AR Glasses counteract this by providing a rundown of items the user has interacted with or plans to purchase, encouraging thoughtful spending and reducing buyer's remorse.

Video of Full User Journey with Flow AR Glasses

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